

EFAC accepts applications from nonprofit evangelical ministries who have functioned for at least one year after their registration.

The review process for all applications is simple but thorough. EFAC will be in communication with you throughout the process, which generally lasts a minimum of five weeks. The member fee schedule is included for your reference only and is valid for a period of one year.

Renewal of membership is required annually through the Annual Membership Review process, which includes the membership fee.

The EFAC seal and membership credentials remain the property of EFAC and their use is contingent upon compliance with EFAC Standards and continued membership.


Please submit the following documents :

Statement of Compliance

We understand that, if in EFAC's opinion it will facilitate interpretation of its policies, and hence its service to its members, a meeting may be scheduled at a time and place which is mutually convenient to both the organization and EFAC. We agree to fully cooperate with any inquiry made by EFAC to determine compliance with the EFAC Standards. We also understand that in accepting continued membership on EFAC, we consent to an on-site field review at any time.

We affirm that our organization will consistently and vigorously comply the EFAC standards. We agree to advise EFAC within 30 days of any material changes in the information submitted or new developments which would affect compliance with the EFAC Standards. We understand that non-compliance with any Standard shall be grounds for termination of membership. EFAC reserves the right to publish a list of its members including those members that have resigned, been suspended or terminated and the reasons for separation. EFAC also reserves the right to publish a profile of each member, including summary financial data.

We the undersigned affirm that the information provided in this application form and the annexed supporting documents fully and fairly describe the financial reporting, disclosure and administrative practices of our organization.

Signatures are required by the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chairperson of the Board

(Three different individuals must sign. In the event the Chairperson is a staff member or related to staff, please obtain the signature of an outside Board Member.)

Signature: Please Type/Print
Chief Executive Officer

Signature: Please Type/Print
Chief Financial Officer

Signature: Please Type/Print
Chairperson of the Board or outside Board Member